Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect with Duende Identity Server

There is a new proposal for an extension to OpenID Connect Authentication Framework, called Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect. It went into public review just last week, which is expected to close later this year.

This very useful extension defines how a client application can indicate to the OpenID Provider that a new user account should be created, rather than triggering the typical login procedure.

In this post we will look at how to support it with Duende Identity Server.

Problem Details responses everywhere with ASP.NET Core and .NET 7

The Problem Details for HTTP APIs RFC provides a unified, machine-readable and standardized recipe for exposing error information out of your HTTP APIs - which is of course beneficial both for the API authors, as well as the integrating parties.

ASP.NET Core has supported problem details since version 2.1, however it was not been uniformly used across all ASP.NET Core components. It was possible to return the Problem Details response manually, or the framework could generate it automatically in several specific cases. Even the official documentation referred to a third-party middleware in order to get a better Problem Details experience.

This is finally changing in .NET 7.

Running Q# and QDK on arm64 Mac

Due to a combination of issues, the current Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk (at the time of writing, version 0.25.222597) does not support arm64 Macs, which of course are the flagship Apple silicon processors from the M1 and M2 family.

Hopefully these issues get resolved soon, but until then, this post will chronicle the necessary workarounds to be able to write Q#/QDK code on arm64 Macs.

Subtle breaking change when adding DbContextPool Entity Framework Core 6

During the upgrade process of one of our applications from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6.0, I stumbled across a very subtle breaking changing when using the AddDbContextPool() feature of EF Core. I thought it might be worthwhile to document this, in case someone else is troubled by it too.

Announcing TextMate grammar community project for Q#

I have recently started a new Q# community repo, aimed at bringing a holistic and structured approach for building up Q# TextMate grammar. TextMate grammars are based on regular expressions from the Oniguruma regex engine and are a de-facto standard for syntax highlighting and tokenization for programming languages. Popular editors such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text base their syntax highlighting on such grammars. At the moment, the Q# LSP extension ships with a very basic TextMate grammar only, focused on a handful of keywords and specially designated symbol names only.

Announcing my new Q# and quantum computing book

I am extremely happy to announce that on 7 May 2022, my new book, “Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK” has been published by Springer, as part of the excellent Quantum Science and Technology series. From now on, you can also see the book in the sidebar of this website. I am extremely proud of this moment - it is the result of almost 2 years of hard work and countless long nights.

Running .NET 7 apps on WASI on arm64 Mac

WASI stands for WebAssembly System Interface, and allows to run WebAssembly code independently of the browsers, as it provides access to operating system features such as file system access or networking. It is highly experimental, but at the same time a tremendously interesting project, and one that has the potential of contributing to a massive paradigm-shift in the industry, making WebAssembly truly ubiquitous.

The great mad scientist of web things at Microsoft, Steve Sanderson, recently published the first version of an experiemental WASI SDK for .NET, which allows building .NET 7 and ASP.NET Core applications into standalone WASI compliant apps, and running them from WASI hosts. Steve’s repo provides the easy to follow steps to get going on Windows and Linux, in this post I will walk through some additional hoops that one may need to jump on arm64 Macs.

Using an existing Startup class with ASP.NET 6 minimal hosting model

With the .NET Core 2.1 having reached end of life, and the looming end of life dates for .NET 5 (this spring) and .NET Core 3.1 (this fall), a lot of developers are facing migrating their services to .NET 6.0. Depending on the customization level and the sheer scale of your service ecosystem this may be an easy or relatively complicated task - especially if you would like to additionally tap into the new lightweight hosting model around WebApplication type.

A very low-cost, easy approach to this is to take advantage of the fact that one can easily reuse an existing Startup class with the new hosting model too. This allows leaving most of the code intact, and performing only tiny refactorings around the host bootstrapping.

Hello OmniSharp on .NET 6.0!

On December 15, 2021 we released version 1.38.0 of OmniSharp which, for the first time, included .NET 6.0 builds of the OmniSharp server. The related feature branch was maintained for over a year, and previously contained a .NET 5-based variant of OmniSharp, though that one was never released.

This is a big milestone in the OmniSharp project as the .NET 6.0 build is much faster and a lot more stable, and is the first step towards retiring the .NET Framework/Mono builds of OmniSharp.

Q# Advent Calendar 2021 – Partial application in Q#

Recently, as part of Q# Advent Calendar 2021, I published a special quest post on Q# Community blog. You can find my post on “Partial callable application in Q#” on the here. Enjoy!


Hi! I'm Filip W., a cloud architect from Zürich 🇨🇭. I like Toronto Maple Leafs 🇨🇦, Rancid and quantum computing. Oh, and I love the Lowlands 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

You can find me on Github and on Mastodon.

My Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK book
Microsoft MVP