Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 6, No-cloning theorem

In the last part of this series we looked at the phenomenon of entanglement - one of the core concepts of quantum theory, which has been fundamentally important in the development of quantum information theory. We grappled with its deeply mysterious behavior and tried to understand and project its consequences onto the Q# code.

In today’s part 6, we shall ask ourselves a seemingly innocent question - how to you clone a quantum state, or in other words, how do you copy a qubit?

Running Q# compiler and simulation programmatically from a C# application

The QDK provides an excellent, low barrier way of getting started with Q# development - without having to deal with the compiler directly, or worrying about how to simulate the code you wrote on a classical device. Additionally, for more technically versed users, the Q# compiler is also available as a command line utility that can be used to fine tune the compilation experience and cater to complex scenarios. The QDK is well documented, and the command line compiler provides good documentation as part of the application itself, but one of the things that is not widely known is that the Q# compiler can also be easily used programmatically - via its Nuget package.

Let’s have a look.

Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 5, Entanglement

In the last post in this series we dove deep into the mathematics and usage examples of multi-qubit gates, with special attention paid to one of the most critical gates in quantum computing, the CNOT gate.

In today’s post we are going to explore the wonders of entanglement - a core concept of quantum mechanics and a critical idea for quantum computing, where it is obtained via the application of the CNOT gate.

Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 4, multi-qubit gates

In the previous post of this series, we discussed single qubit gates. In this next instalment, we are going to explore gates that act on multiple qubits at once, thus completing the exploration of quantum circuit building. We are also going to slowly, but diligently uncover the underlying theoretical scheme towards one of the most bizarre concepts in quantum mechanics - entanglement, which is something that will be dedicating the next part to.

Semantic highlighting in OmniSharp and C# extension for VS Code

Two days ago I blogged about doing semantic classification of C# code using Roslyn. Today, I wanted to draw your attention to a new feature we have recently shipped in OmniSharp and which is now available as experimental feature in C# extension for VS Code, and that’s improved OmniSharp semantic highlighting.

Standalone Q# console applications

Last week I wrote a guest post on the Q# community blog about the new standalone/self-contained Q# applications that were introduced in Microsoft Quantum Development Kit 0.11.2004.2825. In the post I go over the various aspects of the feature, discuss the new @EntryPoint() attribute that was introduced into Q# and dive deeper into some implementation details. Enjoy the article!

C# semantic classification with Roslyn

A while ago, I blogged about using Roslyn’s completion service. In today’s post, I wanted to continue looking at some of the excellent compiler features that can be utilized to build IDE-like features in your projects. This time, we will look at how to do semantic classification of the code using Roslyn.

Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 3, Single qubit gates

We left off in the last post after having discussed the Hadamard gate - our first quantum gate - and how it can be used to crate a uniform superposiiton for a single qubit. We are going to continue today by exploring other single qubit gates, discussing the underlying mathematics and, of course, testing it all out with some Q# code.

Decompilation support in OmniSharp and C# Extension for VS Code

One of the nice new features that we shipped in OmniSharp recently, and that has already made its way into the C# Extension for VS Code is support for decompilation. It was released in April as part of 1.35.0 release of OmniSharp. Let’s have a quick look at how you can get it up and running.

Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 2, Superposition

In the previous post in this series we mentioned the concept of superposition briefly. Let’s use this second part to dive deeper into the mathematics of it, meet the cat of Schrödinger and try to find some simple quantum computing use cases for it.


Hi! I'm Filip W., a software architect from Zürich 🇨🇭. I like Toronto Maple Leafs 🇨🇦, Rancid and quantum computing. Oh, and I love the Lowlands 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

You can find me on Github, on Mastodon and on Bluesky.

My Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK book
Microsoft MVP